About me

Greetings to all, I am Osvaldo Torres Cruz, a hotelier with almost 25 years of experience in Tourism and Hospitality.

Aún teniendo una formación científica de base ( licenciatura en Bioquímica y Especialista en Biología Molecular) las vueltas de la vida me llevaron a descubrir el fascinante mundo del Turismo primero y después la hospitalidad done comencé como Mayordomo de Hotel en un hotel 5 estrellas de Lujo perteneciente a Leading Hotel of the World, durante más de 16 años aprendí el arte del servicio de ultralujo y  empecé a formarme en ciencias que estudian el ser humano, pues como hoteleros trabajamos con otros seres humanos , entre estas están:

During these 15 years of presence in the market we have worked with important hotel chains (link to where they are shown) in destinations such as: Dominican Republic, Cuba, Jamaica, Barbados, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Chile and Argentina.

Máster en Neurociencias, Practitioner en Programación Neurolinguística (PNL )

I have given lectures for leading hospitality schools in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Mexico, in addition to writing articles for industry magazines such as Chef&Hotel from Chile, Hotelnewsresources from the US and OnlinePlus from the Dominican Republic.

Likewise, if you want to know more about my career, you can access my CV from this link (add CV)

I invite you then to visit each section of this website and discover the advantages that our company offers you in order to Contact-Know-Understand-Conquer and Keep both your worker and your client.

Kind regards

Osvaldo Torres Cruz