A Good Hotel to Work is a Good Hotel to Stay – By Osvaldo Torres Cruz

As an old marketing axiom says a company with happy employees represents a company with happy customers. If the Hotel is a good place to work, will then be a good place to stay and to be able to rely on the success of a well deserved holiday.

The Hospitality is an industry that, fortunately for those who work in it, is constantly booming. However, this growth makes the market sector, which offers all its products and associated services, has become one of the most competitive.

The above leads us to consider that the hoteliers should be focused on finding strategies that will enable them to differentiate themselves in the marketplace to attract the attention from their core customer, the guest. Many and varied have been the marketing strategies in promotional and advertising campaigns, mostly based on the quality of the hotel product and services.

Nevertheless, I want to refer to an essential factor for the achievement of the guest satisfaction who consumes the hotel products and all associated services, meaning, the result of the performance of the Hotel Human Resources, the Hotel staff.

Today it is known that a differentiating tool par excellence is the degree of experience that guests can reach during their stay at the Hotel. The scope of this level of experience will depend on the emotional impact that the products and services offered have provoked on the guests during their stay. The size of this trace is determined by the emotional bond created between the guest and the services provider, i.e. the Hotel employee.

Experiential Hospitality defines Hotel employee, first and foremost as an emotional being responsible for assisting other emotional being, thus paying special attention to the emotional condition of the Hotel staff. It is known that the environment and relationships influence the human emotional state and emotional states are contagious among us, meaning that if we have a happy staff, we will have happy guests.

That’s why I want to share with you some questions, such as: 

Why not use the degree of happiness of the Hotel staff as a marketing tool to promote and differentiate the Hotel on the market? 

Why not use the positive employee’s comments about the Hotel where they work, as a competitive advantage?

Why publish just the qualifications and positions of websites or companies whose data is based only on evaluations about products and services without taking into account those engaged to assess the labor atmospheres and climate as well?

Why not use the Hotel employees’ range of loyalty reflected in the amount of worked years for the same company, with unconditional commitment, consistency of service expressed by quality and even better, the soundness of their service culture? 

I remember once, I was attending a guest who needed to have his jacket ironed, and warned me that I ought to be very careful with it, since it was a very expensive garment, he immediately asked me for how many years I had been working in the company. Upon hearing my response he said:

“Now I feel more confident”


As an old marketing axiom says a company with happy employees represents a company with happy customers. If the Hotel is a good place to work, will then be a good place to stay and to be able to rely on the success of a well deserved holiday.