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Mayordomo de hotel como gestor del diseño de experiencias


  1. 1-Sensitize the participants with information vectors of the Neurohospitality to build a base experiential knowledge to be able to transform the product and the service that is offered in the points of consumption of a hotel in an unforgettable experience and conditioning of the loyalty of the client to the company.
  2. Creación de conocimiento del Mayordomo de Hotel como Gestor del Diseño de Experiencias del Huésped.
  3. Reproducir conductas de etiqueta y protocolo de servicios de ultralujo en la asistencia del Mayordomo de Hotel a sus clientes.
  4. 4-Increase the added value of the services offered to customers in a company and turn the moment of truth into a differential competitive tool for companies.


All members of the Hotel Butlers team.


 12 consecutive days.

 Total hours: 33 hours per work session.


El aprendizaje está diseñado en  4 fases:

1st Phase: Mystery Guest Service. 

This phase lasts between 1-2 days, where experiential opportunity areas are detected that will be taken to reinforce and personalize subsequent learning. A report is prepared on the experiential opportunity areas detected.

2da Fase : Formación Teórica Práctica.

In this phase, the theoretical-practical information vectors necessary to transform the interpretation of the product and service that the butlers offer their clients, as well as the interaction with them, will be provided in a comprehensive and unforgettable experience.


5 consecutive days of two sessions of 3:30 hours (AM session for PM shift workers and PM session for AM shift workers)

Total hours per session 20 hours.

Módulos 6

  1. Reflexión: Yo, Mayordomo de Hotel. El modelo 4 D del servicio de mayordomo de Hotel. El diseño de la marca personal como Mayordomo de Hotel. El modelo DAMA en el servicio de Mayordomo de Hotel,

  2. La preparación antes de la llegada del cliente. El equipaje oculto del cliente. La gestión de la historia del cliente por parte del Mayordomo,

  3. La interacción con el cliente. El lenguaje verbal y no verbal en la interacción experiencial. La Neurobiología de la primera impresión. El arte de la observación, escucha y conversación con el cliente,

  4. El cliente como sistema cognitivo-conductual y emocional. La lectura de las tres dimensiones del cliente: cuerpo, lenguaje y emociones. La sensorialización del producto, servicio y del cliente. El cliente como centro del foco atencional del hotelero,

  5. La gestión de   la insatisfacción del cliente. La mente de un cliente insatisfecho. El secuestro emocional del cliente. Ciclo de la gestión de un requerimiento del cliente. El modelo del cliente como unidad cuerpo-cerebro-mente en medio ambiente en la recuperación de los servicios,

3rd Phase: Operational practical training.

*Se aplican estándares de servicios de ultra lujo contenidos en la AAA, Leading Hotels of the World y Forbes Reccomended.

a) Objectives:

-Share valuable vectors of theoretical-practical information about the operation of the Butler in a Hotel and the main services offered to guests.

-Incorporate into practice the theoretical information vectors obtained in phase 2.

 b) Dynamics:

Practical operational training on the etiquette and protocol of the fundamental services of the Hotel Butler based on the 4D model and experiential design.

d) Topics to develop:

The image of the butler. The fundamental work tools of the butler. The work area of the work butler, supervision 360 degrees. Fundamental routes of the hotel butler in his work area. The basic interactions of the butler with his guests. The room product. Receiving the guest Presentation of the amenities of a room to the guest. Etiquette and protocol when knocking on the room door. Etiquette and protocol when accompanying the guest to the room. Etiquette and protocol when being in a room interacting with the guest, among others.

4ta Fase: Coaching on the Job con los equipos participantes.

This phase lasts from one to two days (depending on the number of work teams that participate). The trainer is integrated into the operation of each work team (wearing its uniform) to detect operational experiential opportunity areas and possible knots or barriers that prevent experiential design in each sector. A report is prepared on the experiential opportunity areas detected.

2 consecutive days: a theoretical day and another practical day.

Two sessions of 3:30 hours (morning session for afternoon shift workers and afternoon session for morning shift workers)

Total hours per session 7 hours.

A report is prepared with the experiential opportunity areas detected and suggestions for action plans with respect to them.

The learning incorporates the luxury service standards contained in AAA, Leading Hotels of the World and Forbes Reccomended plus the standards of the Neurohotel industry..